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Monday - Friday: 5:30am - 8:30pm

Saturday: 7:30am-3:30pm

Sunday: 10:00am-3:00pm


Folio Area

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The Y staff miss our campers and look forward to having the “Best Summer Ever!”

Camp Forms & Brochure  

Our newest camp, Camp WHOI / MBL will be offered out of the Woods Hole / MBL Institute, and features a quality traditional “on-site” day camping experience with a fun packed schedule. Camp and camp activities help children to grow in spirit, mind, and body while teaching the core values of caring, honesty, respect and responsibility. Join in the fun and become part of the YMCA Cape Cod family this summer!

At this time Camp WHOI / MBL is only open to employees of WHOI / MBL

CAMP WHOI / MBL OFFERINGS Program will be held at the MBL and WHOI campuses and will include daily Traditional “on-site” Camp options. On site activities may include a combination of sports, crafts, outdoor education, team-building activities, water play and STEM related offerings such as cooking, science and literacy. THEMES WEEKS Theme weeks and special events will be planned throughout the Summer as well! RAINY DAY SCHEDULE We provide age appropriate indoor activities during inclement weather.

Sample “On-Site” Daily Schedule*

Time Group A
7:00-9:00 Arrival/Free Play
7:30-9:00 Breakfast Offered
9:00 Opening Ceremonies
9:15 Sports
10:00 STEM
10:45 Music/Drama
11:30 Lunch
12:15 Special Event
1:00 Water Play
1:45 Crafts
2:30 Snack Time
3:15 Team Building Games
4:00-5:30 Dismissal/Free Play
*Subject to change



Reach out to learn more about YMCA Cape Cod Summer Day Camps! [email protected] 508-362-6500 ext.1305

Read More About Our Camps

YMCA CAPE COD|2245 Route 132|West Barnstable, MA 02668|508-362-6500|Website by Design Principles, Inc.