Donate now to Upper Cape Y Effort
YMCA Cape Cod is already serving the needs of the Falmouth community by offering options for:
Early Education and Childcare
Nestled in one of the pristine rural areas Falmouth is famous for, only 2 miles from routes 28 and 151, this new location will offer Upper Cape families a quaint, safe environment for children to learn, grow and thrive. Our caring teachers and educator assistants are professional role models who will mentor your children while teaching the core Y values of caring, honesty respect and responsibility every day. This early education center will provide the highest quality infant, toddler and preschool care year-round, Monday through Friday from 6:30AM -5:30PM. Call 508-362-6500 ext.1020 for pre-enrollment information and to schedule a tour! Learn more about our childcare programs.
Summer Camps
Summer camp is about adventure and discovery. At Camp Lyndon, kids have the opportunity to explore nature, find new talents, try new activities and gain independence. And, of course, it’s lots of fun too. We provide convenient bussing pick up and drop off locations around the Falmouth area.
See our Camp Lyndon page to start your kids on an adventure!
YMCA Diabetes Prevention Program
The YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program is a community-based lifestyle improvement program for adults with pre diabetes. Its purpose is to empower adults with lasting lifestyle changes that will improve their overall health and reduce their chance of developing type 2 diabetes.
Currently, diabetes affects nearly 26 million people. Another 79 million have pre diabetes and are at risk of developing diabetes, but only 11 percent are aware of it.
Research by the National Institutes of Health has shown that programs like the YMCA’s Diabetes Prevention Program reduce the number of new cases of diabetes by 58% overall and by 71% in individuals over age 60.
To see if you qualify or for more information about the program fees and financial assistance, visit our YDPP page.
Holiday Parade Gallery
We did it!! We won first place (children’s float category) in the 52nd Falmouth Christmas Parade!!
Thanks so much to the YMCA Cape Cod staff and all the volunteers who helped us build the float and walk with us!
Check out the photos here.
Send Email for more information, questions or concerns.