117 Stowe Rd
Sandwich, MA 02563
Register Online Here!
Join us August 6, 2016 at Camp Lyndon! This is a fun and healthy event that introduces the sport of triathlon to children while honoring the memory of David Brazil. This event will not be timed! Each participant will receive a finisher medal after completing the course. The triathlon consists of a pond swim, mountain bike ride, and trail run with approximate distances determined by participant age as follows: 8 to 10 years old, 25 yard swim, 1 mile bike, 1/4 mile run; 11 to 13 years old, 50 yard swim, 2 mile bike, 1/2 mile run; 14 to 16 years old, 100 yard swim, 3 mile bike, 1 mile run.
Not only is the event fun, but proceeds beyond registration fees go directly to a scholarship for high school seniors in David’s name, as awarded by the DBMKT Planning Committee. David Brazil was a triathlete who passed away unexpectedly of a heart attack in 2012 at the age of 45. He left behind his wife, Beth, and his two children who at the time, were ages 8 and 10. Beth founded the YMCA Cape Cod David Brazil Memorial Kids Triathlon as a way to remember Dave and pass on his love of family and triathlon to future generations. Registration costs (per family): $15 for racers. You may also make an additional donation that will be deposited into the scholarship fund.