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YMCA Cape Cod survey highlights Lower Cape community needs

Barnstable –– The desire for family activities and gathering places for youth in the Lower Cape region was clearly indicated in a recent survey conducted by the YMCA Cape Cod. To better understand how the organization might help provide offerings for families living in the towns of Brewster, Chatham, Dennis, Harwich, Yarmouth and Orleans, the YMCA Cape Cod recently surveyed the Lower Cape community about programs and services addressing critical issues in the areas of youth development, healthy living, and social responsibility. With the assistance of a diverse group of liaisons, 813 community members responded to the YMCA Cape Cod Community Needs Assessment.

The top three community needs identified in the survey for adults were:

  • Availability of services aimed at engaging the entire family unit (55.6%)
  • Adults are supported in practicing positive habits that include physical activity and healthy eating (47.4%)
  • Presence of community spaces where adults can develop connections with others (41.9%)

The top three community needs identified in the survey for youth / teens were:

  • Presence of community spaces where youth can develop connections with others (68%)
  • Availability of non-athletic programs that draw out youth skills, creativity and confidence (66.8%)
  • Youth have convenient access to structured activities in a community facility (66.7%)

Full survey results are available on the YMCA Cape Cod website at

The next steps of the YMCA of Cape Cod’s Lower Cape Committee will include facilitated discussions with key demographic segments (i.e. teens, seniors, adults with children, etc.). YMCA Cape Cod will then conduct forums with community leaders.

To learn more about the Lower Cape Community Needs Assessment process, contact Stacie Peugh, President & CEO, YMCA Cape Cod at 774-251-5101 or by email at [email protected].


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YMCA CAPE COD|2245 Route 132|West Barnstable, MA 02668|508-362-6500|Website by Design Principles, Inc.