Corporate Identity


Monday - Friday: 5:30am - 8:30pm

Saturday: 7:30am-3:30pm

Sunday: 10:00am-3:00pm


Folio Area

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Leading the Way

These programs form a link between program participants/campers, and employed positions at the Y. Combining supervised leadership skills development, instruction in conducting camp and recreational activities and closely supervised leadership experiences with campers on a regular basis.


Leaders In Training – L.I.T.

The Leaders In Training program is designed to keep the early teenage camper engaged as they continue their summer camp experience and prepare for the prospect of employment. Our excited and energetic staff delivers an exciting daily schedule that differs from that of our younger campers. This choice-based, teen friendly schedule blends your older campers’ favorite adventure activities with a strong focus on community care and on-site service projects. LIT’s also begin honing their teaching skills as they participate in our apprentice program, in which they shadow specialty staff in program areas such as boating, ropes course, archery, music and the arts!


Counselors In Training – C.I.T.

The Counselors In Training program consists of a group of dedicated campers who have decided to continue their journey toward becoming an official member of the YMCA Cape Cod summer camp staff team. CIT’s commit themselves to an 8-week camp session that includes a one-week leadership workshop led by supervisory professionals. CIT’s continue the apprentice program by shadowing actual Camp Lyndon group leaders as they learn on the job how to successfully manage a highly energetic group of children during the day camp schedule.

CITs must apply and be interviewed and accepted before registering. All interested campers should call to schedule an interview at (508) 362-6500 x 1305.


DECEMBER 12/27 – 12/29  – CLASS FULL


APRIL  4/18 – 4/20 – ENROLL HERE


Tuesday – Thursday

8am- 4pm

Registration Closes 2/15/23

APRIL  4/18 – 4/20 – ENROLL HERE

Tuesday – Thursday


Registration Closes 4/12/23


  • Participants in the Lifeguard Training course will be provided with all equipment including access to an electronic version of the textbook and an adult and pedi-pocket masks to keep.
  • Participants in the Lifeguard Training Review course must provide their own adult and pedi- pocket masks. 
  • Upon successful class completion, includes a 2-year certification CPR/AED and First Aid




  • Participants must be 15 years of age on or before the last scheduled session of the course.
  • Swim 300 yards continuously demonstrating breath control and rhythmic breathing. Candidates may swim using the front crawl, breaststroke or a combination of both but swimming on the back or side is not allowed. Goggles may be used.
  • Tread water for 2 minutes using only the legs. Candidates should place their hands under the armpits.
  • Complete a timed event within 1 minute, 40 seconds. Starting in the water, swim 20 yards without goggles. Surface dive to a depth of 7 to 10 feet to retrieve a 10-pound object. Return to the surface and swim 20 yards on the back to return to the starting point with both hands holding the object and keeping the face at or near the surface. Exit the water without using a ladder or steps.
  • Attend all class sessions.

Lifeguard Training: $350 Member / $400 Non-member

Y Achievers Program

Our Mission is to help teens discover and pursue higher education and career goals by equipping them with the skills and community role models they need to get there. For more information click here or contact the Achiever Program Director-Tara at 508-362-6500 x 1270

Y Achiever Mtg 3 of 5


Also in this section

YMCA CAPE COD|2245 Route 132|West Barnstable, MA 02668|508-362-6500|Website by Design Principles, Inc.

The small pool will be closed from 10am-11am on Tuesday (12/31), Thursday (1/2) & Friday (1/3) for our Annual Vacation Fun Club. We apologize for any inconvenience!