Diabetes Resource Center
This is a free service to the community made possible by the generous support of the Weny Charitable Trust.
Our Mission
The mission of the Diabetes Resource Center(DRC), a not-for-profit entity first established in 2003, is to function as a professional and dedicated hub delivering a range of resources to diabetics, pre-diabetics, and their caregivers, including educational support and prevention guidance. The menu of services offered at DRC is specifically aimed at assisting those struggling with diabetes and prediabetes to more effectively cope with the disease and its life-altering physical and emotional consequences.
The vision of the Diabetes Resource Center is to ensure that all people with diabetes or prediabetes and their caregivers on Cape Cod, regardless of economic background, have a place to assist them and truly focus on all aspects of their disease in a professional and supportive environment. The vision of the Center is to provide access to the latest information on research, as well as to teach techniques for coping with the physical symptoms and mental stress of diabetes, including the alteration and optimization of dietary, exercise, and sleeping regimens.
Resources & Services
- 5 FREE Nutrition Consultations
- Personal assistance
- Monitoring
- Care giver assistance
- Health and wellness counseling
- Support groups
Educational library including books,
brochures, and articles on:
- Type I Diabetes
- Type II Diabetes
- Diabetes in children (including books for children)
- Gestational diabetes
- Depression and diabetes
- Nutrition and diet
- Alcohol and smoking
- Exercise
(Many books are available for lending and facilities are available for printing articles.)
Computer access for research with
recommended sites including those on:
- Cutting edge diabetes care
- Current research articles
- Depression & chronic illness support groups
- Diabetes programs in the area
- Vetted medical journals
- General wellness care
- Nutritional information
What Is “Prediabetes”?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, prediabetes is a condition people get before they are diagnosed with diabetes. Prediabetes is characterized by blood sugar levels that are higher than normal but not yet high enough to be diagnosed with diabetes. Prediabetes often does not have any symptoms and many people don’t know they have it.
There are 79 million people in the United States who have prediabetes. Recent research has shown that some long-term damage to the body, especially the heart and circulatory system, may already be occurring during prediabetes.
Though prediabetes is often a precursor to diabetes — diet and lifestyle changes, including modest weight loss, can help prevent or delay the onset of diabetes. If you have been diagnosed with prediabetes, now is the time for action to prevent diabetes.
What Is Diabetes?
According to the Centers for Disease Control, diabetes is a disease in which blood sugar levels are above normal. Diabetes can cause serious health complications including heart disease, blindness, kidney failure, and lower-extremity amputations. Diabetes is the sixth leading cause of death in the United States.
Are You At Risk?
If you fall into three or more of the following categories, you may be at risk for prediabetes or diabetes:
- Blood pressure of 140/90 or higher
- Above-normal cholesterol levels
- Inactive lifestyle (exercising less than 2x/week)
- Family history of diabetes
- History of gestational diabetes
- Obesity (BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2)
- Aged 45 years or older
If you fall into three or more categories, it does NOT mean you have prediabetes or diabetes. A blood test performed by a doctor is needed to find out.
If you’d like to know more, head over to our Diabetes Prevention Program page. From there you can learn more about your risk level and can contact us about your eligibility for our Diabetes Prevention Program.
Take Control of your Diabetes!
Research shows that much of the illness and death caused by diabetes can be prevented or delayed by optimal management with healthy food choices, physical activity, and medications to normalize blood glucose levels, blood pressure, and lipids. Research also shows that Type 2 Diabetes can be prevented or delayed through modest weight loss and regular physical activity in the estimated 57 million adults with pre-diabetes who are at high risk for the disease.
Look for the Diabetes RESOURCE Center Initials
Look for the Diabetes Resource Center Initials (DRC) next to low impact classes that help to foster a healthier lifestyle.
All About YOU!
Need to talk to someone about managing your diabetes? Not sure where to go to get the help you need? Schedule a one-on-one appointment (below) to discuss your diabetes and get the help you need or visit our Diabetes Prevention Program page.