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Healthy Living: Pat & Henry Young

Originally from Kentucky, and raised their family in Dayton Ohio, Pat and Henry Young have called Cape Cod home for the past 15 years.  Henry, a retired English Teacher and traditional broom maker and Pat a retired medical technologist that worked in the same hospital for 40 years, enjoy swimming at the Y 4-5 days a week. Avid bicyclists, riding 100-150 miles a week all over the US, Canada, and Europe, Pat and Henry were first introduced to the Y when the Sandwich community pool closed. For them, swimming at the Y has helped provide a year-round exercise that is safe for Henry’s knees after a double knee replacement and helps keep his Type 2 diabetes under control. Thanks to reciprocal membership throughout New England, Pat and Henry can enjoy swimming while traveling and have frequented Y’s from Providence Rhode Island to Belfast Maine.

In addition to swimming at the Y, Pat and Henry are active volunteers in Togetherhood program. The Togetherhood program strengthens our community by giving back and supporting our neighbors through service projects such as collecting school supplies and participating in park cleanups. Programs like the Togetherhood program are made possible by donations to the Annual Support Campaign and grants from organizations like the Cape and Islands United Way.

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